Mineral Deportment Studies

So you have found some a zone with mineralisation and the assays are really good! What is the next step to determine if it economical to extract?
You need to conduct a deportment study to determine what hosts the minerals are.

If it is sulphides then it is floatable, is it with Fe/Cr oxides then magnetic separation, what grain size is it for grinding, is it liberated or locked inside a mineral, maybe they are locked in silicates and need ultrafine grinding?

Gold and PGE deportment studies - gold ores

The ideal is for a zero waste mine. Perhaps you have nickel associated with your PGE’s. Is it a high enough grade for recovery? What design of the flow sheet will extract it too Is the nickel as sulphide and recoverable by floatation or does it need POX and/or ultrafine grinding too

Automated Mineralogy

Mineral deportment studies are designed to separate out all the minerals of interest for an in-depth analysis of everything about them!! And as the name suggests, the entire analysis is performed automatically and quickly saving you time and reducing the influence of human bias. Better still, the larger number of samples analysed means that you can generate more reliable dataset that more accurately characterises your deposit.

Gold and PGE deportment studies - gold mineral maps

Automated Mineralogy by TIMA and the AMI custom developed deportment study provide you with all of these:

  • Quantitative mineralogy down to 0.01% concentration
  • Mineral chemistry with textural details including associated minerals
  • Particle size vs particle size down to 1 µm with liberation and locking statistics

Gold and PGE deportment studies - particle classification

AMI has the technology and the expertise to perform detailed studies that can be used for Metallurgical Flow Sheet Development and economic viability of your project. Furthermore, the data generated from an automated mineralogy deportment study can be fed back into your metallurgical process to help optimise your operation, bringing efficiency gains, and increased recovery rates.

Gold and PGE deportment studies - gold recoverability

Contact the AMI

To arrange a confidential discussion on how automated mineralogy can benefit you, drop us a line: