ELEMISSION are world leaders in LIBS technology. They have been developing and refining the technology since 2014. This technology is typically only available in universities, but the AMI is able to offer you access to this cutting-edge capability in conjunction with in-house mineralogical expertise to provide a comprehensive analytical service.

LIBS RC Chip tray scanning and element heat map
Spodumene RC Chip tray sample scanned using the Elemission ECORE. The digital photo can be cross referenced with element maps from any element as every element is simultaneously measured for each spot.

LIBS or Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy measures the elemental composition of geological materials similar to XRF. However, unlike XRF, it is able to detect and quantify every element in the periodic table and is not disadvantaged by light elements. The result, elemental maps providing spatial distribution elements. And using powerful software, this is extended to quantitative mineralogy.

For more information about how LIBS works, read LIBS for Geological Materials.

At the AMI we have 2 ELEMISSION LIBS systems. They are both suited to high-throughput scanning of core, rock chips and other geological materials. With Scanning with a 50µm spot size over large areas, both these systems provide microanalysis on a macroscale.

ECORE Capabilities

The AMI has the first commercially installed ECORE in the world. This system is designed to scan large volumes of core in an automated fashion.

  • Elemental maps leading to quantitative mineralogy
  • High scan speeds – 2000+m/day of core at standard resolution
  • Sampling speed – 1300 spots/sec
  • High-resolution – 50µm spot size
  • Variable scanning resolution – High-resolution RGB data co-located with spectral responses
Elemission ECORE rapid LIBS core scanner

With almost no sample preparation required, the ECORE is an excellent instrument for rapid analysis of your drill core and RC chips. Contact us to find out how we can help you analyse your geological samples and generate detailed analyses.