Gold and PGM Deportment Studies

A Gold, Platinum and Palladium Mineral deportment study helps define the recoverability index at the exploration phase for economic evaluation, technology risk control, flowsheet development and process optimisation.

The speciation and morphologies of the minerals are determined at the AMI with the specialised, unique sample preparation procedures with ultra-high resolution TESCAN TIMA SEM-based automated mineralogy system.

gold deportment

What Does the Gold Looks Like in Your Ores?

native gold liberated

Native gold liberated

Electrum attached to pyrite

Electrum attached to pyrite

Calaverite locked in rocks

Calaverite locked in rocks (bright in left and blue in right)

Define your recoverability index

The information is used for:

  • Ore body knowledge
  • Geometallurgical parameters
  • Process selection
  • Recovery prediction
  • Plant optimisation
  • Reduce the technology risk
Gold recoverability

Other factors will be concerned for predictive recoverability such as slow-dissolving, CN and O consumer, coating and rimming, reagent and preg-robbing

Particle Classification for Gold

Using high-resolution (BSE) images generated by the TESCAN TIMA, mineral phases are identified and classified.

gold particle classifications

Gold and PGM Deportment Study Deliverables

The following characteristics are provided by a gold and PGM deportment study which can be be used in your workflow or to assess the viability of your deposit.

  • Grain size distribution
  • Liberation
  • Association
  • Coating and rimming
  • Refractory issues
  • Gold carriers mineralogy
  • Gold distribution
  • Reagent consumption
  • Preg-robbing
  • Gold mineral speciation