Rapid LIBS Mineral and Element Scanning

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy or LIBS provides element distribution data and quantified mineralogy based on the spectra measured at each analysis point.

At the AMI, we have an ECORE LIBS scanner, designed and built by ELEMISSION, the world leaders in LIBS technology. This system is suited to rapid scanning of large quantities of rock chips and drill core.

Rapid Elemental Mapping

LIBS analysis of RC chips delivers high speed, high resolution imagery and qualitative elemental mapping including the light elements such as Lithium. In around fifteen minutes an entire chip tray can be analysed enabling rapid identification of intervals for more detailed mineralogical analysis.

LIBS RC Chip tray scanning and element heat map

Rapid Mineral Mapping

LIBS analysis of drill core delivers high speed, high resolution imagery, quantitative mineralogy and qualitative elemental mapping including the light elements such as Lithium. An entire core tray can be scannedin less than 30 minutes enabling rapid consistent mineral mapping.

LIBS scanning of drill core tray providing elemental maps and mineral maps