What is Automated Mineralogy?

Automated Mineralogy combines mineralogy, microscopy, and computer science to develop automated methods for identifying, quantifying, and characterizing minerals in geological samples. It involves the use of advanced analytical techniques and software to analyse the composition and properties of minerals present in rocks, ores, soils, sediments, and other geological materials.

The sample is prepared and analysed using a variety of analytical instruments such as scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) or laser induced spectroscopy (LIBS). The resulting data is then processed using specialised software to identify and quantify the minerals present in the sample, and to extract other information such as mineral textures, grain size, and chemistry.

Automated mineralogy is widely used in the mining, mineral processing, and exploration industries to improve mineral identification, optimise mineral processing operations, and understand the geological history of a deposit. It is also used in environmental studies, where it can provide insights into the distribution and behaviour of minerals in soils and sediments.

Automated Mineralogy and the AMI

The AMI provides a comprehensive automated mineralogy service to the mining industry. We have cutting edge instrumentation and a team of world-class mineralogists with vast experience. Our team can provide everything from sample preparation to characterisation, data analysis and detailed reports to suit your needs.

In terms of instrumentation we have at our facility:

  • TESCAN TIMA – SEM-based automated mineralogy
  • ELEMISSION ECORE – High throughput LIBS core scanner
  • Rigaku MiniFlex – X-ray diffraction (XRD)